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Bullion market in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2021-04-22Updated:2021-04-22
Similar words: option marketauction marketcommon marketbull marketnon-market economydown marketdownmarketopen market
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1. When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.
2. London Bullion Market AssociationA poll of about 370 delegates at the London Bullion Market Association's annual conference predicted that gold would be at $1,181 in 12 months' time.
3. In the London bullion market yesterday, the price of gold was steady.
4. But its ultimate impact on the bullion market is dependent on the identity of the counterparty in the swap -- a topic still being hotly debated in the gold community in Europe.
5. The average London Bullion Market Association gold fix for 2010 was $1,225 an ounce. Spot gold rose 30 percent last year, hitting a record $1,430.95 an ounce in December.
6. Either the bullion market or the Treasury bond market is mistaken about the long-term inflationary outlook.
7. The London Bullion Market Association recently predicted world gold prices would stay at $652.38 per ounce this year, up from less than $310 in 2006.
8. The coins are still the most widely traded gold bullion coin on the world's secondary bullion market.
9. The price of gold hit $1058.48 an ounce in the London Bullion Market Thursday local time, which was the highest level in history.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Most gold is exchanged and stored in vaults under the supervision of a special organization based in London, the London Bullion Market Association (or LBMA).
11. In 2009, GFMS expects a renewed gold price strength and the gold bullion market to remain in place.
12. Only those silver coins which were much worn by usage or in any other way defaced or reduced in weight remained in current use; it did not pay to export and to sell them on the bullion market.
13. A poll of about 370 delegates at the London Bullion Market Association's annual conference predicted that gold would be at $1, 181 in 12 months' time.
14. The vast majority of the counter transactions is through the London Bullion Market Association ( LBMA ) conducted.
More similar words: option marketauction marketcommon marketbull marketnon-market economydown marketdownmarketopen marketthin marketopen-marketopen market operationgreen marketunmarketablebulliongold bullionquestion markfalling marketquotation markquotation marksexclamation markpunctuation markidentification markfederal open market committeenational marketmarket expansionmarket informationmarket disruptionmarket saturationmarket fluctuationmarket exploration
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